The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.
—William H. Gass
Book Reviews
“How to Dance as the Roof Caves In by Nick Lantz”
The Rumpus, Fall 2014
“Yours in Words: An Epistolary Review of Luisa Igloria’s The Saints of Streets”
The Rumpus, Spring 2014
“Shara Lessley: Two-Headed Nightingale”
Smartish Pace, Spring 2014
“Making’s Process; Or A Defense of Poetry”
The Rumpus, April 2013
“Inventing the Lived: The Paradise in Bruce Snider’s Paradise, Indiana”
Smartish Pace, Fall 2012
“A Vowel Away from Master”
The Rumpus, November 2011

Academic Articles
“Within the Zodiac of Wit: Philip Sidney, William Scott, and the Right Reader Turned Right Poet.” The Sidney Journal 33.1 (2015): 91-107. Print
“(An Almost) Failure Analysis: Britomart, Calidore, and Reading The Faerie Queene in the Contemporary Literature and Creative Writing Classroom.” The Spenser Review (December, 2015): Online.
“Britomart’s Sex Sets “British” On Fire: The Faerie Queene’s Queer Britain.” Selected Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Northern Plains Conference on Early British Literature, Edited by John Kerr (Fall, 2011): 30-40.

Nonfiction Articles
“Making’s Progress; Or, A Defense Of Poetry” in The Rumpus, April 24, 2013.

2011, Spring: “A Conversation with Ander Monson.” Grist: The Journal for Writers. Issue 4: 72-76.

2017, “Physics” in 3Elements Review
2017, “Currency” in Dum Dum Zine
2017, Forthcoming, “Holdfast” in The Adroit Journal
2017, “Christian Anton Gerard in the Introspective” in Thrush
2016, “A Knife’s Signature In His Alcoholic Palms” in Epiphany
2016, “Defense Of Poetry VI; or Alcoholic Expected Home” in Epiphany
2016, “Defense of Poetry X; or Prayer In Recovery” in Epiphany
2016, Forthcoming, “Preservation” in The Literary Review
2016, Forthcoming, “Whiskey Called, She Said” in The Literary Review
2016, “Sober Poem With A Reckoning” in The Pinch
2016, Forthcoming, “Sobering Interrogative” in The Pinch
2016, Forthcoming, “Aubade in Afternoon” in Cleaver
2016, January, “Christian Anton Gerard and Her Yet Without a Past” in The Collagist
2016, January, “Her and Christian Anton Gerard in an Argon Cloud” in The Collagist
2016, Forthcoming, “Vocabulary” in Weave
2015, December, “To Ansel on His Second Birthday” in Diode
2015, December, “Dear You, Ideally It Will Go Down Like This” in Diode
2015, November, “Steelhead Don’t Ask Where the White Goes” in Thrush
2015, September, “Anonymous” in Fjords Review
2015, April “Poem for Her in Time” in The Rumpus
2015, Winter: “Christian Anton Gerard Moving Toward Psalm” in Thrush
2014, Winter: “Materials; Or Revision” in Bluestem
2014, Fall: “Defense of Poetry 1” in Post Road
2014, Fall: “Defense of Poetry 2” in Post Road
2014, Fall: “Pastoral” in Cutthroat
2014, Fall: “Love Poem” in Cutthroat
2014, Fall: “Defense Prayer” in The Zen Space
2014, Fall: “Enargia” in The Zen Space
2014, Fall: “Ars Poetica” in storySouth
2014, July: “Writing Hand” in Thrush
2014, July: “Defense of Poetry XI; or The Poet Explaining Himself” in Thrush
2014, June: “Defense of Poetry IV” in Stirring: A Literary Collection
2014, April: “Image” in The Tattooed Poets Project
2014, April: “Wilmot Here, Collect For Stella; or Taking Stock” in Iron Horse Literary Review
2014, April: “Stella’s Folks Offered Twenty Large” in Iron Horse Literary Review
2014, April: “I’ve Been Angry Before” in Iron Horse Literary Review
2013, October: “Wilmot Here, Collect For Stella; or Soliloquy to a Bartender” in Monarch Magazine
2013, Fall: “Your Mom Can Go To Hell, I’m Not Hiding Anything…” in Fjords Review
2013, Fall: “Wilmot Here, Collect For Stella; Or Ok, Something Happened In That House ” in Fjords Review
2013, Fall: “Bathing Suits Are Not About Hiding” in Fjords Review
2013, Fall: “Operator’s Manual” in The Collagist
2013, Fall: “Water Skiing With Robert Creeley” in The Collagist
2013, May: “Wilmot Here, Collect for Stella,” in Thrush
2013, Spring Print Annual: “You Bent To Smell Artichoke-Thistles” in Apt
2013, Spring Print Annual: “Do You Have Anything Of His? Stella Said” in Apt
2013, Spring Print Annual: “Wilmot Summons His Grandfather’s Ghost” in Apt
2012, Fall: “Twenty-Something Boy Makes A Mix Tape” in B O D Y
2012, Fall: “Boy Making Eyes; Or Dear Madame” in B O D Y
2012, Fall: “Rhinoceri” in Pank
2012, Fall: “Boy Splinter” in Pank
2012, Fall: “You Fell In Love With Her Elbows? in Waccamaw
2012, Fall: “When She Amtraked to Canada” in Waccamaw
2012, Summer: “Gramps Stayed Drunk on Jazz” in The Journal
2012, Spring: “Ghosts Keep Us Moving, She Said, Think About A Field…” in The Rumpus
2012, Spring: “You’ve Become Smoke in My Lungs, She Wrote” in Redivider
2012, Spring: “Wilmot’s Plane Leaves in Forty-Five Minutes, But” in Redivider
2011, Spring: “I Think My Body is Polytheistic, She Said,” in The Collagist
2011, Spring: “Apotheosis” in Passages North
2010, Spring: “A Fall” in Poetry East
2010, Spring: “What Makes a Life” in Smartish Pace
2009, November/December: “Probably, Then” in Orion
2009, Fall: “Customs” in Redivider
2009, Summer: “Look Outside:” in Faultline
2009, Spring: “Old House Found While Hiking” in Waccamaw
2009, Spring: “Waiting at the Oyamel” in Phoebe
2009, Spring: “Sown” in Potomac Review
2008, Fall: “Bull In A China Shop” in The Eleventh Muse – Second Prize, 2008 Eleventh Muse Contest
2008, Fall: “The Height Of Being” in Bent Pin Quarterly
2008, Spring: “Synecdoche” in Whiskey Island – Finalist, 2008 Whiskey Island Poetry Prize
2008, Spring: “Digging A Hole” in Harpur Palate
2008, Spring: “First Time” in Free Lunch – Rosine Offen Memorial Award
2008, Spring: “Art For Art’s Sake” in The Cartographer Electric
2007, Fall: “Amarillo, For A Change” in Whiskey Island
2007, Fall: “Peggy Wants A Picket Fence” in Whiskey Island
2007, Fall: “Attn: Murderers Please Read”; “Negotiations”; “One Day It Won’t Hurt” in Triplopia
2007, Spring: “I Used To Be In A Band” in Bloodlotus